Thursday, January 16, 2014

Went for breakfast today.  They try to put all of the adoptive families together so that makes it nice.  The hotel is really nice and I am not trying to complain but I am so ready to go home.  I would trade this fancy hotel in for a nice quiet bowl of oatmeal at my kitchen table in a flash.  I miss my family.  I miss my peeps.  I am ready to have Alina home and start to show her around her new life in Maryland.
After breakfast Randy went to rent a stroller and the girls and I came up to the room so that we could get ready to go.  I was in the bathroom doing my make up and Caylee and Alina were playing with the Kindle.  There is a game on there with a cat that will repeat what you are saying in a high pitched voice.  I heard Caylee say, "Kitty getting a shower."  Next I heard Alina say, "Kitty getting a shower."  What what?!  It was the cutest, sweetest raspiest voice ever!!  I came out with my mouth gasped open and then a big smile came across my face.  Daggone it.  I should've stayed in the bathroom.  She might have talked more.  Usually positive encouragement works but not in this case.  In this case, the less emotion we show, the better. 
We met Cathy at 9:30 to go to the zoo.  Alina loved the stroller and cried when we tried to take her out of it.  She did not like the steps and cried every time we went down or up steps.  And she put her finger under her nose because it was smelly.  The animals were ok as long as they were far away.  If we tried to push her closer so she could see, she didn't like that.  I imagine with everything being new to her, it might be scary to be that close to animals (even if we are still so far). 
She laughed today at the zoo!  She tries to hide it immediately after she laughs by crying or whining but we know that she was laughing.  Of all things it was a hose that was leaking water that made her laugh.  We tried to go back to see it again but it was not as funny to her the second time.  ;) 
Caylee got to feed a giraffe.  His tongue was so long!  I think Cathy said 30 centimeters but I could be wrong.  We also got to see the llamas at feeding time.  One of the branches fell out & Cathy picked it up so that Caylee could feed the llamas too.  Boy that llama tore into that branch.  What an experience!
After the zoo, we asked if we could stop by a grocery store to pick up a few things.  Caylee and Alina really like these noodle things that are similar to Ramen noodles and it makes for an easy lunch.  Cathy and Randy ran into the store and the girls and I stayed out with the driver (P. S. His name is Mr. Lee).  He parked along the main street and got out of the van and smoked and stood outside.  It was weird to be in the middle of Guangzhou in a van by ourselves.  Seems like a perfect time to sing a song about poopy.  There has been a ton of talk this week about poop with Alina being so constipated (sorry that might be tmi for some of you...if so you may want to close your eyes now).  Who can say that they sang a song about poop in the middle of Guangzhou?  This lady!  Shortly after that, Alina said jie jie (big sister) and pointed to Caylee while we were waiting.  I guess the song about poop warmed her up.  ;)
We got back to the hotel and went to put Alina down for a nap.  Wasn't happening.  I mean, arch your back, throw a fit wasn't happening.  I walked with her, Randy walked with her and she fell asleep but as soon as he layed her down, she was awake.  We decided to just let her sit with me while Randy and Caylee went to the pool (totally loving this warm weather!).  She ate a cracker!  A sandwich cracker!  She is trying new things!  We decided to put on Alina's cute little frilly bathing suit and see how she did in the pool.  Um..did I mention this little girl who is not talking much has no problem expressing how she feels?!  She did not like the pool and wasn't going near it. 
As we were sitting by the pool, she had a marker in her hand.  She took the lid off, would pretend to dip it in the lid and then draw with it.  She would dip it in again and draw with it again.  I bet she has watched someone paint before (she is so observant).  And I can't wait to put some paints in her hands!
On a different note, when I put her bathing suit on and let her look at herself in the mirror, she laughed.  But then the laugh turned to crying as soon as she realized that she laughed.  She may be hiding but she is starting to come out.  She likes frilly.  She liked the hair bows too.  She saw it and tried to hide her smile. 
We are exhausted tonight and just went to McDonalds for dinner (it's right next door).  Alina tried a French fry and liked it.  Yes, yes, I know that McDonalds isn't the best option when you are trying to get away from a diet of rice and we told her that we probably won't visit McDonalds much at home.  Chick-fil-A yes.  McDonalds no.  ;)


1 comment:

  1. Even though she didn't like the pool, she is so precious in that bathing suit! So glad you all were able to experience some new zoo fun today! Praying for you all! Hope tomorrow is just as awesome! I love that she knows who her big sister is! Caylee is already so awesome and now, she gets to teach that awesome to someone who will be watching her for a very long time. <3
