Monday, January 14, 2013

One week ago today  we did our Chick-fil-A fundraiser. Can I just say that you guys blew us away that night! We are thankful for the people who shared our event on facebook, those who invited their friends and their mom's friends, their neighbor's friends, etc. etc. We were overwhelmed with the support. THANK YOU!
I have to be honest with you. It's hard to open yourself up sometimes. Especially when it's something that is so near & dear to your heart. I don't know when it happened but sometime in the past few years, we closed ourselves off some; became more guarded. There are several things that we could blame but the truth is, its FEAR! Fear says, "If you open yourself up, you will be faced with people who are critical, you will be condemned, people will ask rude questions." Fear is a tricky thing & it has this weird power to stop us right in our tracks. It keeps us from moving forward & inviting others to be part of this process with us.
BUT there are so many great things that happen when you open yourself up too. Like people that you don't even know coming to your Chick-fil-A night. Family & friends that believe in what you're doing and want to help. People who are adopting too & want to know about your journey.
So I want to take a minute to encourage you. If fear is holding you back today, it's time to give it a swift kick in the booty! If you know that God has called you to do something, it's time to move forward in that. Yes, you may get criticism, you may get weird glances but you know what's worse? Doing nothing. Now is your time my friend. Go for it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Upcoming Fundraiser...YAY!

Attached is our Chick-fil-A Spirit Night Adoption Fundraiser flyer. It will be on January 7th from 5:00 - 8:00pm. A portion of anything you order will go toward our adoption fund. We will have the flyers at a table so please see us prior to placing your order. We can't wait to see you there! Please invite your friends!