Tuesday, March 26, 2013

This picture was taken at Staples when we were getting ready to send our Dossier documents to our agency.  Don't we look happy?!  We had finished making all of our copies at Staples and the manager offered to mail it for us UPS for free!  So nice!  Oh shoot...thank you note!  I can't believe I forgot to write a thank you note *adding that to my do to list*

We made 436 copies that night.  I've never been so happy to make that many copies!   The copier is right by the front door and I wanted to greet everyone as they came in.  "Hello!  Welcome to Staples!  I am making copies of our dossier today.  And how are you?"  After the final copy was made, Caylee and I did a little dance (Randy refused - haha). 

It was hard to send those papers on their way.  If it were possible, I think we would have taken a road trip to Grand Rapids to deliver them ourselves.  But, our agency received them in a day or two and everything was approved.  After our paperwork was authenticated, it was sent to China!  We are beyond excited. 

The next step for us is to complete our "waiting child paperwork".  But hey...what's 20 pages to do when you've already completed 200?  ;)  After that, we wait for a referral for a child.  Oh my goodness...we can't wait!!

Wanted to share with you our next upcoming event.  Mark your calendar:

April 20th - Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction
at Salem Ridge Community Church
441 Pennsinger Road in Greencastle  (easy to find)
from 5 - 7 pm
Dinner and auction is on a donation basis

Do you own a business?  Do you know a business owner?  Are you an artist?  A baker?  Crafty? A movie star? Rock Star?  Would you consider donating something for our silent auction?

Let us know if you would like a ticket.

By the way...yes.  I know the picture at the top is big but well...it's late & I can't figure out how to change the size.  So for now, enjoy your big ole picture of the Martins on their very happy day!  :)