Monday, January 20, 2014

Last night Randy was able to get Alina to sleep much easier.  There was crying involved but not as much.  I have to think about the progress that we have had in just under a week!  So much has changed.  The sleeping will come.  We are just along for the ride.  ;)
Today we went to Shamien Island.  This is where the "White Swan" hotel was.  This is the hotel where all of the adoptive families used to stay.  But it is currently under renovation.  It also used to be thriving with businesses because of the White Swan being there but unfortunately many of them have closed. 
I was determined to find a place called "Jenny's".  I have heard several adoptive families talk about this place and how sweet the owner Jenny is.  We left the group and started walking (Caylee was not too happy that we left the group).  We walked and walked and ended up at a place where the military was doing drills and we figured we probably walked too far.  We turned around and walked through a residential neighborhood and it was so awesome to see so much of the community outside.  They were playing badmitten, they were practicing tai chi, they were dancing.  It looked like it would be great to be a part of their community.  There were also several photo shoots happening and we got to see all the models made up & in their fancy duds (did you like how I said fancy duds there?).  ;)
Randy was the first to spot Jenny's. We were excited to be there because we've heard so much about this place.  She takes photos of all of the adoptive families that come through & keeps a scrap book.  She is a precious lady.  We spent a little while there & got Caylee and Alina matching traditional dresses. 
We went to a few other shops and noticed that they were setting up for a craft fair.  What a great day to be on Shamien Island!  We watched a man who was hand painting on a wallet.  We got one for Alina when she gets older.  
When we got back on the bus, we found out that our guide, Shiyan is totally the baby whisperer.  One of the baby's starting fussing, she walked over & said something to him in Mandarin and he stopped right away.  And although I didn't see it, it happened again with one of the other babies.  
As long as I am talking about Shiyan, I just have to say that she is worth her weight in gold!  She has taken care of us the whole entire time.  As I was asking her about the passport, she said, "It's my job to worry.  Your job is to relax."  She came up to our room to get some documents and talked to us awhile about the orphanage that Alina was at and some different things.  She is excited to see what happens with Alina once she gets the medical care that she needs.  She has also been excited to see the changes in her in less than a week.
I have to tell you about this really amazing thing that happened today.  SHE KISSED ME!!  Oh my goodness!!  I am just beyond excited about the changes that are taking place in her.  I feel like she is so much more comfortable around me and because she is, I can be myself around her.  Meaning, I don't have to hide all my craziness.  ;) 


1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you all got to go to Shamian Island! It is so beautiful! Hopefully it will be what it once was once they reopen the White Swan. It is sad that many of the businesses have closed. :( I am also glad you all got to shop and Jenny's. She is so dear! I hope you got to meet her sweet husband as well. They have the best selection of Silks for the best prices! I think we could have bought the store out with all the neat trinkets she sells. ;)
    It sounds like things are going very well! What a great blessing that Alina kissed you! She really sounds like she is bonding very well with you. Just think just a few more days and you'll be home. We are so happy for you!
